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OnDemand Panel Debate: Clearing the air: strategies for enhancing urban air quality

OnDemand Panel Debate: Clearing the air: strategies for enhancing urban air quality

OnDemand Panel Debate (11 Dec): Going behind the scenes of Dallas’ smart city initiatives

OnDemand Panel Debate (11 Dec): Going behind the scenes of Dallas’ smart city initiatives

Special Reports

How the holistic approach is central to the Covid-19 recovery

How the holistic approach is central to the Covid-19 recovery


Smart Cities News

Study reveals level of infrastructure organisations hit by cyberattack

Study reveals level of infrastructure organisations hit by cyberattack

Westminster council deploys anti-noise and crime CCTV network

Westminster council deploys anti-noise and crime CCTV network

Blockchain-based data-sharing system for smart cities

Blockchain-based data-sharing system for smart cities

Riga plays its part in bolstering cybersecurity across the EU

Riga plays its part in bolstering cybersecurity across the EU

Automated buildings control platform builds in cybersecurity

Automated buildings control platform builds in cybersecurity

OnDemand Panel Debate (11 Dec): Going behind the scenes of Dallas’ smart city initiatives

OnDemand Panel Debate (11 Dec): Going behind the scenes of Dallas’ smart city initiatives

LoRaWan solution claims to make cities smarter and safer

LoRaWan solution claims to make cities smarter and safer

Digital Dubai strengthens cybersecurity infrastructure

Digital Dubai strengthens cybersecurity infrastructure

Denver bolsters data disaster recovery plans

Denver bolsters data disaster recovery plans

Why UK residents want to live in a smart city

Why UK residents want to live in a smart city

Tirupati collaborates with NEC to progress smart city plans

Tirupati collaborates with NEC to progress smart city plans

IMDA partners to green Singapore’s ICT infrastructure

IMDA partners to green Singapore’s ICT infrastructure

Digital Dubai launches private sector cybersecurity programme

Digital Dubai launches private sector cybersecurity programme

Neom launches digital communications facility and data centre

Neom launches digital communications facility and data centre

Dubai launches digital strategy and digital city initiative

Dubai launches digital strategy and digital city initiative

Civic ID platform revenue to grow by 62 per cent by 2027

Civic ID platform revenue to grow by 62 per cent by 2027

UK launches cybersecurity playbook for smart cities

UK launches cybersecurity playbook for smart cities

Agencies issue cybersecurity guidance for smart cities

Agencies issue cybersecurity guidance for smart cities

The operational technology threat to critical infrastructure

The operational technology threat to critical infrastructure

Nokia to support digital infrastructure of Egyptian smart city

Nokia to support digital infrastructure of Egyptian smart city

San Diego to host cybersecurity awareness training

San Diego to host cybersecurity awareness training

Roadmap for European cybersecurity seeks input

Roadmap for European cybersecurity seeks input

How Kyiv is using technology to embody urban resilience

How Kyiv is using technology to embody urban resilience

Dallas protects citizens with mobile cybersecurity app

Dallas protects citizens with mobile cybersecurity app

AWS and IMDA launch joint innovation centre in Singapore

AWS and IMDA launch joint innovation centre in Singapore

Smart City PDX proposes policy guide for surveillance tech

Smart City PDX proposes policy guide for surveillance tech

Digital Dubai turns to synthetic data to drive digitisation

Digital Dubai turns to synthetic data to drive digitisation

Companies team to enhance security in smart cities with facial recognition

Companies team to enhance security in smart cities with facial recognition

US mayors strengthen focus on technology and innovation

US mayors strengthen focus on technology and innovation

Dubai simulates global cyberattack scenario

Dubai simulates global cyberattack scenario

UK critical national infrastructure at risk of ransom attacks

UK critical national infrastructure at risk of ransom attacks

City of York Council invests £7m in digital transformation

City of York Council invests £7m in digital transformation

Smart Cities Council and Digital Twin Consortium partner to support cities

Smart Cities Council and Digital Twin Consortium partner to support cities

Reno to experiment with blockchain for building records

Reno to experiment with blockchain for building records

Singapore builds digital trust and strengthens data governance

Singapore builds digital trust and strengthens data governance

Insight Report: Boosting operations in smart places with cooperative data ecosystems

Insight Report: Boosting operations in smart places with cooperative data ecosystems

Centralised smart city management platform launched for smart poles

Centralised smart city management platform launched for smart poles

Wifi roaming standard successfully tested in Belgium municipalities

Wifi roaming standard successfully tested in Belgium municipalities

Digital Dubai forms partnership with police to defend against cybercrime

Digital Dubai forms partnership with police to defend against cybercrime

Contract secured to install smart sensor network for Fort Benning

Contract secured to install smart sensor network for Fort Benning

Smart city testbed in Virginia develops IoT security best practice blueprint

Smart city testbed in Virginia develops IoT security best practice blueprint

Dubai launches platform to detect government website vulnerabilities

Dubai launches platform to detect government website vulnerabilities

Valèncian marina progresses plans to become a port 4.0

Valèncian marina progresses plans to become a port 4.0

Podcast: Mobility-as-a-Service: the sustainable future of mobility?

Podcast: Mobility-as-a-Service: the sustainable future of mobility?

Smart city protocol expands its environmental and traffic management profiles

Smart city protocol expands its environmental and traffic management profiles

Riyadh establishes blockchain academy to support digital transformation

Riyadh establishes blockchain academy to support digital transformation

Edinburgh creates new CCTV control centre to improve security

Edinburgh creates new CCTV control centre to improve security

3D IoT lidar solutions for smart cities unveiled at CES 2022

3D IoT lidar solutions for smart cities unveiled at CES 2022

Agreement struck to protect smart cities from advanced cyberattacks

Agreement struck to protect smart cities from advanced cyberattacks

OnDemand Webinar: How 5G in smart cities accelerates innovation

OnDemand Webinar: How 5G in smart cities accelerates innovation

Croatia adopts single national system to alert public during crisis situations

Croatia adopts single national system to alert public during crisis situations

Webinar: How 5G in smart cities accelerates innovation

Webinar: How 5G in smart cities accelerates innovation

Seoul boosts EV charging and smartens security lighting

Seoul boosts EV charging and smartens security lighting

OnDemand Webinar: The IoT is rapidly overhauling how logistics and transportation industries operate

OnDemand Webinar: The IoT is rapidly overhauling how logistics and transportation industries operate

OnDemand Webinar: Connected intelligent assets: overcoming the data management challenge

OnDemand Webinar: Connected intelligent assets: overcoming the data management challenge

OnDemand Webinar: The IoT is rapidly overhauling how logistics and transportation industries operate

OnDemand Webinar: The IoT is rapidly overhauling how logistics and transportation industries operate

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