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24 - 25 June 2025  |  Online & In-Person (London)

Bringing Cities Together to Inspire Climate Action

Cities Climate Action Summit







Ensure ’Equity’ is at the heart of your work to combat climate change.


The Cities Climate Action Summit is your exclusive opportunity to chart a course to ensure you are able to bring along all citizens in your climate action journey.


Why Attend?


  1. Equity as a Fundamental Value: The summit places a strong emphasis on equity as a fundamental value in climate action. Attending will provide attendees with insights into how to integrate equity considerations into their work, ensuring that environmental initiatives benefit all individuals and communities fairly and justly.
  2. Fair Distribution of Benefits and Burdens: Equity in climate action involves ensuring the fair distribution of both the benefits and burdens of environmental initiatives. By attending, city authority employees can learn strategies for prioritizing equitable access to resources, opportunities, and benefits, thereby minimizing disproportionate impacts on marginalized and disadvantaged groups.


  3. Addressing Environmental Injustices: Climate action must address historical and current environmental injustices. The summit offers opportunities to learn about strategies for addressing these injustices and creating a more inclusive and resilient city for all residents. By attending, city authority employees can contribute to building a more just and equitable society.


  4. Community Engagement and Participation: Equity was covered in detail during past summit sessions on community engagement. Attending CCAS24 provides an opportunity to build on this foundation and explore ways to keep citizens at the forefront of climate action efforts. City authority employees can learn how to effectively engage with communities and address their needs and concerns, ensuring that decision-making processes are inclusive and participatory.


  5. Building Strategy on an Equitable Foundation: CCAS24 offers a platform for answering critical questions and building strategies on an equitable foundation. By attending, city authority employees can gain insights into best practices and innovative approaches to integrating equity into climate action planning and implementation, ensuring that cities prioritize social justice and create more sustainable and resilient futures for all residents.


In summary, attending the Cities Climate Action Summit provides city authority employees with the knowledge, tools, and networks needed to advance equity in climate action, promote social justice, and create more inclusive and resilient cities. By participating in the summit, attendees can contribute to building a more just and sustainable future for all.


Challenge Questions:


How can cities ensure equitable access to the benefits of climate action? Cities seek strategies to make climate action benefits accessible to all residents, irrespective of socioeconomic status or race. They aim to address existing disparities and prevent new inequities. Key topics include affordable clean energy and transportation, energy efficiency in low-income areas, equitable access to green spaces, and avoiding displacement during urban redevelopment.


What strategies can cities use to engage and empower marginalized communities in climate action and address past inequities? Cities acknowledge the need to involve marginalized communities in climate decision-making, particularly evident during the recent pandemic. They inquire about inclusive engagement practices, capacity-building initiatives, participatory budgeting, support for community-led projects, and partnerships with community organizations.


Key sessions covering Policy Deployment

  1. Citizen participation to city hall – building equity into climate action from the bottom up : 
  2. Inclusive decision-making processes 
  3. Integrating equity into climate action through engagement and capacity building

Key sessions covering Climate Financing

  1. Distributing funds into diverse communities to deliver equal climate and resilience benefits 
  2. The role of community expertise in gaining access to finance 
  3. Supporting integrated approaches

Key sessions covering Technology Deployment

  1. From air pollution to urban heat islands – using data to identify and correct climate inequities in communities 
  2. Data-driven mapping of climate inequity 
  3. Open data initiatives


Cities Climate Action News and Summit

This monthly newsletter provides an editorial review of the last months news and reports with a focus specifically on climate action/sustainability projects from around the world.

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