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Webinar (11 July) Demystifying the AI journey for cities

Webinar (11 July) Demystifying the AI journey for cities

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OnDemand Panel Debate: Paving the way towards sustainability with proactive strategies & intelligent transport system

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OnDemand WEBINAR: The open road – A smart city is an interoperable city

Join Paradox Engineering, CORFO and SmartCitiesWorld to discuss the importance of openness and interoperability in smart cities.



OnDemand WEBINAR: The open road – A smart city is an interoperable city

Date Recorded: 25 Sept 2019


Length: 60 mins, including Q&A


Watch Here




You will need to be a member to download the full report, however membership is free and only takes 30 seconds.


Many cities are at a pivotal point in their smart city journey where they must make decisions over which technologies to use and which vendors to work with. The route they take could have serious implications in terms of what they achieve further down the line.


Interoperability and a lack of standards remain among the biggest issues for city innovation. The good news is that there is increasing recognition by cities, vendors and other stakeholders that true progress comes from creating ecosystems and tackling problems and challenges collectively.


Join this webinar to learn:

  • Why openness and interoperability are fundamental to smart cities.
  • The importance of having an interoperable and scalable network infrastructure and an open management platform at the core, and the benefits this enables
  • The latest on progress in open standards
  • How Chile is leading the way with an open, interoperable approach

You will also get your questions answered in the live Q&A.


Gianni Minetti, CEO at Paradox Engineering.png

Gianni Minetti, CEO at Paradox Engineering

Bruno Opazo Ruiz, director of CORFO.png

Bruno Opazo Ruiz, director of CORFO program, "Enabling Infrastructures for Smart Cities"

Sarah Wray, Editor at SmartCitiesWorld Sarah has many years of experience as a B2B journalist and editor, specialising in technological innovation and its impact in cities.

Watch Here



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