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Webinar: How smart city tech is improving public safety for San Diego (Wed 25 September)

Webinar: How smart city tech is improving public safety for San Diego (Wed 25 September)

Global Local Executive Panel: From Smart Cities to Sustainable Futures – AI and Local Governance

Global Local Executive Panel: From Smart Cities to Sustainable Futures – AI and Local Governance

Special Reports

A clean and efficient future: energy in focus at Cities Climate Action Summit 2024

A clean and efficient future: energy in focus at Cities Climate Action Summit 2024

Smart Cities Reports

SmartCitiesWorld City Profile –Shenzhen

SmartCitiesWorld City Profile –Shenzhen

SmartCitiesWorld City Profile – Sydney

SmartCitiesWorld City Profile – Sydney


Urban Exchange Podcast Episode 22 - Digital solutions shaping the urban landscape

Urban Exchange Podcast Episode 22 - Digital solutions shaping the urban landscape

Urban Exchange Podcast Episode 21 - 10 years of urban resilience in Rotterdam

Urban Exchange Podcast Episode 21 - 10 years of urban resilience in Rotterdam


Cities Climate Action Summit 2024 – meet the exhibitor: Latitudo 40

Cities Climate Action Summit 2024 – meet the exhibitor: Latitudo 40

Cities Climate Action Summit 2024 – meet the exhibitor: SSE Energy Solutions

Cities Climate Action Summit 2024 – meet the exhibitor: SSE Energy Solutions

Climate Week NYC 2024

Sun 22-Sep-2024 -
Sun 29-Sep-2024
13:00 - 18:00
New York City

Climate Week NYC is the largest annual climate event of its kind, bringing together over 600 events and activities across the City of New York – in person, hybrid and online.


The Climate Week NYC Opening Ceremony is the most high-profile moment of the week. Taking place on Sunday, September 22. The event will feature major announcements, discussions, and interviews with international leadership from business, government, and the climate community. Recent speakers included Prince Charles, Tim Cook, Jacinda Adern, the Hon. Chris Bowen, Kristalina Georgieva, Kathy Hochul, and Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala.


This year, It’s Time to step up and speed up climate action.


We’re in the age of urgency. Investment in clean energy and net zero technologies is higher than ever, but 2024 started out warmer than ever recorded, following a year that already broke through the annual average 1.5-degree C mark. People and companies are waking up to the fact that we need to act, fast, as they see the effects of climate change all around them. 


It’s Time to push towards unstoppable progress, to triple renewable capacity and double energy efficiency. To accelerate scalable innovation, for example in energy storage, grid infrastructure, low carbon steel and concrete production, and in finance.  


It’s Time to lead.

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